What would life be like if your child could suddenly experience...
More success in school
Less time spent doing homework

An improved attitude about school, homework

Faster mental performance in sports

Improved ability to focus

Greater confidence in every area of life
Better memory at school and home

Improved relationships at home
The Truth About IQ
Our IQ is made up of 7 key cognitive skills. Each of us has a unique cognitive profile that gives us our strengths and weaknesses. That's why one person may be great in Maths and find it easy, while another may really struggle in Maths but be a great linguist.
Why IQ score alone don't tell the whole story
One IQ score - two different learning challenges.
Specific, intense training in weak skills will help unlock the academic potential of both.

Cognitive Skills
M=Memory VP=Visual Processing LR=Logk & Reasoning PS=Processing Speed WA=Word Attack AP=Auditory Processing. *
An IQ score of 100 is considered “Average” ie. on the black line
Student A
IQ Score: 106
Student Rebecca is a polite, well adjusted 11 year old. Her older sister has occasionally help her with homework, particularly in Maths. In most subjects she gets by OK on her own. She reads well enough to keep up with her peers, but struggles with Geography and fractions. Rebecca, IQ score is 106, but her underlying skills of memory & Wsual processing are weak, which cause these struggles.

Student B
IQ Score: 106
Anthony is frustrated and withdrawn at times. He's been to tutors and several after school programs with little success. He won't tread and rebels when forced to try. He is barely passing his exams, except art. In art class he thrives and keeps a sketchbook with him all the time. Anthony’s IQ score is 106, but his underlying word attack and auditory processing skills are weak.
Cognitive Skills
M=Memory VP=Visual Processing LR=Logk & Reasoning PS=Processing Speed WA=Word Attack AP=Auditory Processing. *
An IQ score of 100 is considered “Average” ie. on the black line

Are weak cognitive skills holding your child back?
Research shows that the real cause of a person’s ability to learn is his or her cognitive skills’ strength or weakness. If skills are strong, learning comes easily and “naturally.” If skill weaknesses remain hidden, he or she will struggle to learn, stay focused, have difficulty reading, suffer with memory problems or take a long time to complete tests and homework. A professional cognitive skills assessment is the only way to pinpoint the exact underlying causes of any learning difficulty. At The Brain & Learning, we offer an accurate cognitive assessment (with no further obligation) and can help you put this knowledge to use. With the Gibson Test of Cognitive Skills, we can identify and understand the underlying reasons for each person's learning experiences.
Brain Training - Student Experiences

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